Televisits are exciting new ways for patients and parents to interact with their doctor which allow unique flexibility of both location and time. As always, necessity is the mother of invention and the COVID-19 situation has drastically sped up the use of this new technology. During the current pandemic, we will be offering televisits on a much broader basis than we ever envision using in the future so that families can be “Safer at Home” more of the time. In the future, we may continue to offer these types of visits for certain problems that can be addressed over a virtual connection well.
If you are interested in a televist, please call our office and ask to schedule a televisit with your child’s pediatrician. The operator will check with that doctor to make sure that the problem can be addressed over a video link. If so, you will be given a time for the visit. You will also speak with one of our billing staff members to help take care of any copay that is required by your insurance.
Televisits can be done through the desktop portal on a computer with a webcam or from your iOS or Android device. The instructions below are centered on using a device with the healow app, but the steps are very similar on the desktop portal.
Before your televisit, please make sure that you have the healow app set up and that the child who has the appointment is logged into that app. You’ll need to be in a location with reasonable internet speed and reliability. The child should be with you and good lighting is helpful. If possible, avoid bright light sources behind you.
Checking in for your visit
When it’s almost time for your televisit appointment, please open your healow app and make sure that you are on the screen for the appropriate child. The “Appointments” pie slice should be red. Tap that button.
There are several screens that you will need to navigate through before you can connect with your doctor.
The first of these screens will show details of your appointment. If you have future appointments set for this child, you will also see them here. Tap on today’s televisit appointment to start checking in.
The next screen will repeat your appointment details. If you go to this screen well before your appointment, you can set a reminder and ask the app to notify you when it’s almost time for the visit. If it’s time now and you are ready, tap the “Start Televisit” button at the bottom of the screen.
The next screen gives you an opportunity to enter any known vital signs at the time of the visit. For most visits, you can omit entering these values. If you do know the child’s recent temperature, you could enter that here.
You may need to scroll down slightly to see another button that says, “Start Televisit”. After you tap that button, you should be all set and the last screen will let you know that you’re waiting for the doctor to join you.
If you’re having any difficulty, please call us. Hopefully we can work out any kinks and make sure that you’re connected with your pediatrician who can help you with your child’s issue.
This is a bit of a learning process for all of us. The most important thing regarding these visits now is that we want to provide as much care to you and your child as is possible in the safest way that is possible.
Your child is our mission.
24/7 service. Same Day Appointments are Available.
5050 Sanderlin
Memphis, TN 38117